We work closely with the following professionals in order to provide the highest level of support for pupils with SEND and their families.
- Collobartive work through Durham Communities of Learning
- Ferryhill – One Point Hub
- Health Agencies, School Nurse Service.
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Autism and Social Communication Team
- Sensoryworx
- Social Workers
- NHS Occupational Therapy
- Medical Practitioners
- Youth Offending Service
- Bereavement counsellors ( Butterwick Hospice)
- EDK Psycology
- SEND Case Workers at County Hall
- SEND Advisory Officer
- Community of Learning CoL7
- Maggie Hart Consultancy
- Cognition and Learning Team
- SEN Nurse
- Environmental Occupational Therapist