
The aim of our Writing curriculum is to help children to write for a purpose, with passion and imagination, developing a style that is unique to them. 

The document below shows the writing objectives we teach across each year group from Reception to Year 6:

Long Term Planning

In Reception, writing is taught predominantly through Read Write Inc, with additional sessions for Basic Skills and Composition.

In Years 1-6, we organise our teaching of writing into half term blocks based on a particular purpose: Writing to Entertain, Writing to Inform, Writing to Persuade and Writing to Discuss. Each class spends half of each term on Writing to Entertain and then a second half term on another writing purpose. An example plan is shown below:


Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Writing to Entertain Writing to Inform Writing to Entertain Writing to Persuade Writing to Entertain Writing to Discuss


Writing is either linked to our class novels or to topical/real life events e.g. leaflets to persuade people to recycle or discussion texts on whether a new housing development should be built. We also make as many opportunities as possible for children to apply their writing skills across the curriculum through subjects such as History, Geography and Science.

The documents below show the skills covered within each genre for writing:

Writing to Entertain Y1-6

Writing to Inform Y1-6

Writing to Persuade Y1-6

Writing to Discuss Y3-6