Children Looked After with SEND

We have a Designated Teacher for Children Looked after, Miss E Hall,  who works closely with the SENDCO,  Mrs A Addison, to ensure all teachers in school understand the implications for those children who are looked after and have SEND.

Provision for looked after children is managed within school with careful liaison with the Virtual School Service. Outcomes for their provision are linked to outcomes on their EPEP plan and this is funded through the use of pupil premium plus.

Children who are ‘Looked after’ by the local authority (in care) are monitored and supported by the Headteacher and SENDCO and the designated safeguarding team.  Provision, additional resources and teaching and outcomes are reassessed regularly to ensure that these vulnerable children are both happy and making good progress.

The designated safeguarding team also liaise with social services and attend all ‘Looked After Reviews’.