The class teacher alongside the SENDCo will discuss the child’s needs and what support would be appropriate. Teacher’s also assess the children on a daily basis and review and evaluate their lessons to accommodate the needs of their children. Termly assessment is carried out and staff moderate together. Data is collected on a tracking system. These are reviewed in pupil progress meetings and we look at closing the gap in children’s learning. We look at what we can provide to meet the child’s needs and we discuss and measure the effectiveness of the interventions the children have undertaken that term. Different children will require different levels of support in order to bridge the gap to achieve age related expectations, throughout the process, we keep an on-going dialogue with yourselves as parents. As a school, we assess all children continuously. We carry out formal assessments every term to measure their progress and identify the next steps in their learning. Most children and young people will have their special educational needs met in mainstream schools through good classroom practice. This is called High Quality Teaching.
Where a pupil is identified as having a special educational need we follow a graduated approach which takes the form of cycles of “Assess, Plan, Do, Review”. This means that we will:
- Assess a child’s special educational needs
- Plan the provision to meet your child’s aspirations and agreed outcomes
- Do put the provision in place to meet those outcomes
- Review the support and progress
As part of this approach every child with SEND will have an individualised SEND Support Plan that describes the child’s needs, outcomes & provision to meet those needs. Parents/carers and child/YP (where appropriate) views are integral to the this process.
Class teachers and the school SENDCO will act upon the advice of any professionals involved and meet with parents/ carers and children to determine the most appropriate outcomes to be identified on the child’s support plan to best meet their needs and ensure that they make progress. A holistic view of strengths and areas of difficulty will be identified and outcomes matched to ensure that support is in place to address the areas of difficulty. The support plan will identify what needs to be in place to meet the child’s needs and ensure that they make progress. Class teachers and support staff, under the guidance of the SENDCO, will plan appropriate teaching and learning activities. This may include modifications, differentiation and interventions to ensure that the child makes progress towards the outcomes. This support could take the form of different learning activities for the child, specialist resources, a specially designed programme of learning, the use of ICT equipment, adapted resources or an additional adult to provide a higher level of support. Additional support may be planned as part of whole class teaching, on a 1 to 1 basis or as part of a small group and may be provided by either a teacher or teaching assistant. The impact of high quality teaching and interventions is measured as part of the whole school monitoring process and is a prominent focus of individual pupil progress meetings.
Children with SEND will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum. It will be adapted as necessary to meet the child’s needs. Where a child is able, they will be assessed using the standardised national assessment systems. In Year 6, an application will be made for adjustments to the assessment materials if this is appropriate. If a child meets the criteria for disapplication, parents will be consulted and an application to withdraw the child from the assessments will be made. School will use their own internal assessment systems to ensure that the child is making progress and that provision is effective. Children with SEND who are working below the expected standard for the curriculum that they are working within will be assessed using the Key Stage 1 and 2 Pre-Key Stage Standards. It may be necessary to make adaptations to the physical environment. This will be done on the advice of other professionals and in liaison with parents/ carers. For further information please view or download our Accessibility Plan which can be found here.
Support Plans will be reviewed at least 3 times a year on a termly basis. Where necessary, the school SENDCO will contact parents to arrange an earlier review of the support plan and agree next steps. At each review, an evaluation of the impact of the support that has been put in place will be made through the use of assessment data, feedback from observations, the views of the child, their parents and class teachers and the use of assessment information and data. A joint decision will be made to either cease the SEND support plan or continue with the support plan.
Where needs are complex and the support plan is not having the desired impact upon progress and meeting the child’s needs, a decision will be made to consider seeking further advice or support and/or making a request for an Education, Health and Care Assessment. A small percentage of children and young people with significant and/or complex needs may require an assessment that could lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan.
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of SEND provision?
At Tudhoe Colliery Primary, we evaluate the effectiveness of SEND provision to ensure that pupils receive the best support to meet their needs and as part of the Graduated Approach of Assess, Plan, Do and Review. We currently evaluate the effectiveness of SEND across the four broad areas of SEND provision in the following ways:
Communication and interaction
We use Wellcomm and specific programmes from speech and language, all have a baseline recorded at the start of the programme and at the end we measure the impact.
Cognition and learning
We use the assessment data provided by teaching and support staff to assess before and after any intervention to evaluate the impact of provision.
Social, Emotional and Health Difficulties
We use several programmes, we assess before and after any intervention to evaluate the impact of the provision. We can also assess through observations of pupils throughout the school day over a period of time.
Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties
We use a movement programme to assess before and after any intervention to evaluate the impact of provision with Gross Motor Skills. With Fine Motor Skills we use assessments and handwriting evidence from before and after interventions to evaluate the impact of the provision.