Helping at Home


We use our Daily Homework Books to record home reading. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will bring home a Read Write Inc Phonics home reading book and once children have completed the phonics programme, they will bring home a book from our class libraries. 


Spelling homework is set every week for Year 1-6 children. This booklet gives example games and strategies you could use to support your child with their spellings at home. Remember, you can also use Spelling Shed!

Spelling homework is also an opportunity for children to practise handwriting – you can find our handwriting policy here.

Times Tables: 

The National Curriculum states that all children should know their times tables up to 12×12 by the end of Year 4. The booklet below gives different games you could use to help your child learn their tables. Remember, you can also use TT Rockstars


We follow the Read Write Inc Phonics Programme across Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The booklets below explain how your child will be taught to read through Read Write Inc. More information for parents can be found on the Read Write Inc site HERE.