Welcome to our school…
This website is here to keep existing and prospective families in touch with what is going on at our school. It is also a celebration of the wonderful work and exciting activities which our children are involved in. We hope you find lots of useful information here but if you have any questions which you cannot find the answer to on this website, any issues, complaints or require any paper copies of documents, please telephone our office manager Wendy Armstrong or email the school.
Latest News…
Whole School Fieldwork – Jubilee Park
We're so excited to be heading AS A WHOLE SCHOOL to Jubilee Park on Monday 15th July! If you need to contact us after 10:30am, please either leave a message, or send an email via the school office. Thank you.
Class Newsletters
Spring Term class newsletters have been sent home with the children and are also available on our 'Class Newsletters' page.
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